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New Release: Starship Dominatrix – Dustin J. Craig

Starship Dominatrix - Dustin Craig

QSFer Dustin Craig has a new queer space opera out: Starship Dominatrix. An epic LGBTQ science fiction space opera novel! Based on the comic book, “Starship Dominatrix” follows the crews of the Dominatrix and the Submission, who don’t realize they are on a mission to save the galaxy from the Chimera Kyria, the human empire that controls the galaxy and enslaves alien and AI. The diverse LGBTQ crews composed of humans, aliens, an AI and an 8-foot-tall octopus must work together to overcome personal betrayals, harrowing sacrifices, and emotional journeys of redemption, while addressing love, forgiveness, and self-acceptance. Along the … Read more

Review: Off World, by Jonah Bergan

Off World

I had the pleasure to receive an advance copy of Jonah Bergan’s new MM sci fi book Off World. The cover of the book is gorgeous – it immediately made me interested in reading the story. The image of the main character is mysterious and gorgeous, and the planetary background promises a lush sci fi adventure. The story doesn’t disappoint. Let me say up front that the book does include some semi graphic sex with a dominance theme. But one of the things I loved about it was that the sex was both secondary and integral to the science fiction … Read more